Pre-Spanish Period

Despite limitations of reliable historical accounts of the Philippines on this period, archaeological findings from early Chinese traders and first Spanish missionaries sufficed that deficiency. Relative to Asian mainland homo sapiens who migrated and landed in Palawan and Batangas around 50,000 years ago, the earliest signs of science showed Filipino expertise for sawing, drilling, pottery, adzes ornaments from seashells and glass, smelting of iron, and weaving cotton. Herbal medicines were also invented.

By the first century A.D., agricultural technology improved. Lowland rice were cultivated in diked fields and along mountain regions, one example would be the Cordilleran Banaue Rice Terraces where these fields are grown in spring water.

By the tenth century A.D., the Sung and Ming (1360-1644) dynasties noted Filipino missions in Peking [presently: Beijing]. On record, the people of Ma-i (Mindoro) traded beeswax, tortoise shell, medicinal betelnuts,  and coconut heart mats in replaced of Chinese porcelain, colored glass beads, and lead fishnet sinkers.


Caoili, O. C. (1986). A History of Science and Technology in the Philippines. STI.

Louie Jay - ManongLuigi. (2020). The History of Science and Technology in the Philippines | Online Class Edition [Video]. YouTube.

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